Alex Ekubo sweetly celebrates his mother on her birthday

Alex Ekubo sweetly celebrates his mother on her birthday

Alex Ekubo sweetly celebrates his mother on her birthday

Entertainment 5 months ago


Alex Ekubo, a notable character in Nigeria’s entertainment world, Nollywood, has recently communicated his sincere messages via online entertainment to celebrate his mother’s birthday.

His contact recognition hit home for some, featuring serious areas of strength for his relationship with her and the critical impact she has had on his life.

In his post, Alex shared his feelings through expressive and beautiful words that mirrored his profound adoration and appreciation.

In his post, Alex Ekubo wrote;

”Hey Mom! Happy birthday my Angel, even though you constantly try to hide it, I can still see your halo You’re the driving force in my life.

I love you beyond anything that can be described, you are my light, my strength,mmy blanket, my tranquility, my request champion, my guide & my protector.

You showed me all that I know & you
continue to show me, in particular you
taught me to know & to cherish God, & to treat
everyone who comes my direction with thenutmost conventionality & respect.

I have so much love to give because you filled me with so much love. Long story short, I love you Mom forever & a day”


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