Ashmusy denies all dubious accusation made by Verydarkman, reveals what happened

Ashmusy denies all dubious accusation made by Verydarkman, reveals what happened

Ashmusy denies all dubious accusation made by Verydarkman, reveals what happened

Entertainment 1 day ago



Ashmujee Lessthansign/Em> has refuted claims by popular critic Berry Darkman that the company has refused to repay the huge amount of money needed to promote the brand. According to VeryDarkMan, Ashmusy received N1 million from the brand and demanded an additional N5 million. He allegedly promised that he would return the money within two to six weeks if things didn’t go well. He also said that Ashmujee had reneged on his promise and threatened to flee the country if the police got involved. Ashmujee strongly denied the allegation, saying he had never cheated the company and would keep his promises no matter how long it took.

He stressed that brand loyalty was important and that in his seven years as a promoter, he had aired over 1,000 ads without any problems.

Ashmujee ensured that the issue had been resolved and thanked his followers for their love and understanding.

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