“Before I had my daughter, I used to say I would have 5 nannies” – Singer Simi reveals

“Before I had my daughter, I used to say I would have 5 nannies” – Singer Simi reveals

“Before I had my daughter, I used to say I would have 5 nannies” – Singer Simi reveals

Entertainment 7 months ago


Simi, a Nigerian performer, has drilled down into how her perspectives on parenthood have changed since inviting her little girl.

On a new episode of The Roadshow on Cool FM, Simi admitted that she used to accept she would be the kind of mother with numerous babysitters for her kids.

The host asked, “What is one point that you have made, ‘It won`t ever be me’ yet it’s so you right now?”

After some thought, she answered, saying, “Before I had my little girl, I used to say that I would have five babysitters and my caretaker would have a caretaker; that’s not the case.”

Simi said that, in spite of her underlying thoughts, she possibly employs babysitters for her little girl Adejare when they travel to Nigeria.

She made sense of, “I’m super active. As a matter of fact, when we’re in the States, I don’t have any babysitters, however here I have somebody to watch her when I need to work on the grounds that I’m more occupied here than there. That’s simply not the sort of mum I wound up being.”

I was so sure in those days that I was like, ‘I will have two babysitters and those caretakers will have a babysitter and their caretakers will have caretakers too’. I shouldn’t have felt that, however, knowing me, I truly shouldn’t have,” she in the middle between giggling.

“In the most recent couple of years, have you gotten any new abilities or side interests that aren’t music?” the have asked, exchanging the subject

“I’m attempting to compose a book, a book. I used to say that if I wasn’t an artiste I would most likely be a writer. Perhaps some sentiment. Some dream, some tension. I likewise need to deal with a children’s project; it’s an undiscovered market,” Simi said.

See the full interview below:


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