Evangelist Kesiena c0ndemns, scolds church members who watch Sirbalo’s big ‘bum’ skits

Evangelist Kesiena c0ndemns, scolds church members who watch Sirbalo’s big ‘bum’ skits

Evangelist Kesiena c0ndemns, scolds church members who watch Sirbalo’s big ‘bum’ skits

Entertainment 5 months ago


Kesiena Esiri, a minister in Delta State, censured Christians who partake in the risqué satire of play producer Sirbalo (Obotuke Timothy Ochuko).

In a viral video, he informed his gathering that the people who snicker at Sirbalo’s productions are confused about their faith.

He described Christians who enjoy such satisfaction as lacking in a genuine way and cautioned them of the risks of their activities.

Esiri reprimanded Sirbalo for involving surprising ladies as props, calling it disgraceful.

He cautioned Christians enjoying such humor that they are in a genuine way lost and encouraged them to realign with God’s lessons to keep away from serious outcomes.



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