Lady Reportedly Passes Away in Active Service While Using Vibrator

Lady Reportedly Passes Away in Active Service While Using Vibrator

Lady Reportedly Passes Away in Active Service While Using Vibrator

Entertainment 6 months ago


A Twitter user shared this story. According to him, the deceased person`s roommate explained the cause of her friend`s death.

He said the deceased increased the current of the vibrator when she felt it. But after the current increased, she started shaking and finally passed out.

She, unfortunately, died quickly following the incident.

The lady wrote;

“A lady just d! ed on my street while using her v i b r a t 0 r. I didn’t get the full story but her roommate told me that the d£ceased increased the current of the v! brator, she started shaking and all of a sudden she became numb and suddenly gave up the gh0st. How is this even possible? ”



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