Make una forgive Dammy Krane oh”- VeryDarkMan begs 30BG fans; gives him free haircut

Make una forgive Dammy Krane oh”- VeryDarkMan begs 30BG fans; gives him free haircut

Make una forgive Dammy Krane oh”- VeryDarkMan begs 30BG fans; gives him free haircut

Entertainment 5 months ago


Online entertainment critic VeryDarkMan has connected with Davido’s fans, known as 30BG, sharing a video of him giving Dammy Krane a free hair style after his jail discharge.

VDM asked Davido’s fans to pardon Dammy, needing to assist him look satisfactory prior to retouching his associations with Davido and others he might have vexed.

“I say make I fix up Dammy krane before he fixes him relationship with Davido and everyone when he don offend with him anyhow yeye all€gat!ons……life abeg ooo 30BG FANS MAKE UNA FORGIVE OOO @davido thank you”.


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