Nigerian lady shares how friend’s iPhone 14 was stolen by her Abuja boyfriend

Nigerian lady shares how friend’s iPhone 14 was stolen by her Abuja boyfriend

Nigerian lady shares how friend’s iPhone 14 was stolen by her Abuja boyfriend

Entertainment 5 months ago


A Nigerian woman shares the tale of how her friend’s iPhone 14 was taken by her sweetheart from Abuja following two months of a rich relationship.

The lady, known as @bigtee_xx, unveiled that her companion had experienced a man who was especially liberal with her funds.

As indicated by her, the man much of the time sent her companion different amounts of cash and treated her to impeccable excursions.

In any case, during one specific visit to a lodging, the man faked an outing down the stairs to get nourishment for them.

The lady related that her companion hung tight for a few hours prior to realizing that the man from Abuja had departed suddenly with her new iPhone 14.

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Reacting to the post…

@Nicole???????? said: “Pls which hotel in fo1 kubwa, at is where I live”

@ABUJA FOOD VENDOR/SURPRISE shared: “This exact thing happened to me oo, my own was that my conscience didn’t accept the guy from the on set but stubbornness no gree me, I went oh, he ordered for food from tastia, when the dispatch got”

@ChidimmaJuanita❣️ commented: “I’ve always wanted to share my stories but am afraid nobody would engage me”

@Ziller???? lamented: “Me just enter Abuja 2 weeks ago oo…so I won’t see love bayii …wahala”


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