Young thief gets caught and forced to dance to hits songs while chained to burglary

Young thief gets caught and forced to dance to hits songs while chained to burglary

Young thief gets caught and forced to dance to hits songs while chained to burglary

Entertainment 6 months ago


After being arrested, a young man is forced to dance to a popular song.

He was tied to a metal bar to prevent him from escaping.

In the video, HE performed a dance as the crowd cheered him on. 

Reacting to the post..

@:)????: “AndHE sabi dance oooo.”

@Sonia Frosh: "For this Nigeria, there is no stealing." Dog? Get me and get rid of that man."

@mrblings1: “I can`t get enough of this video today, it`s a blast for me. ”



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